Shopify SEO Checklist

Shopify SEO Checklist

Shopify SEO for Beginners

Below is our Spotify SEO Checklist along with a short Spotify SEO description to help you get your head around what can be a very complicated subject. We have tried to simplify the process by creating an easy-to-follow ‘Shopify SEO for beginners’ checklist.

Shopify is one of the best places on the internet to build a shop online, but it is far from perfect when it comes to SEO for Shopify (Search Engine Optimisation) and getting your products found on Google.

Shopify SEO Guide

In this Shopify SEO guide, we’ll look at the Shopify SEO basics to help you get more customers for your online store.

From an SEO perspective, there is a lot you can do to improve your Shopify site and as over 95% of people use a business listed on page 1 of Google, it’s clear to see why it’s essential to get your shop and products on there.

Shopify SEO Help

So if you’re looking for Shopify SEO help and advice, you’re in the right place. When it comes to Shopify and SEO, we are the #1 Shopify SEO experts that will help you grow your business.

Shopify SEO Best Practices

In our Shopify SEO checklist below, we’ll give you a list of Shopify SEO best practices to ensure the success of your Shopify eCommerce store.

Shopify SEO Checklist

Mission statement

  • Craft an original mission statement that shows the uniqueness and value of your products.
  • Reflect on your mission statement on your homepage and other important pages.

Shopify Theme

  • Check the available themes and read reviews to see which one fits your needs.
  • Find a theme that is lightweight, SEO-friendly and loads fast.
    Check out other stores that run the theme.
  • Check the mobile-friendliness of the theme you are interested in using.
  • Test the user experience of the theme you want to use by testing how images load, whether animations work or, how the structure of the menu is.

Product Pages

  • Write unique, high-quality product descriptions that explain the problems your products solve.
  • Write unique informative meta titles that include the main keyword.
  • Write unique meta descriptions that have an irresistible offer and a strong call to action.
  • Make the URLs of your product pages short and easy to read.

Keyword Research

  • Research who your customers are so you can create content that fits their needs.
  • Use SEO tools like Ubersuggest, Moz, Google Keyword Planner (You need a free Google Adwords account to access this) etc. to research what keywords your potential customers use.
  • Research your top competitors and look at the meta titles and descriptions they use to discover opportunities for improvement of your online store.


  • Keep your menu easy to navigate by not cluttering the top-level menu.
  • Clearly state your products in the menu.
  • Don’t use too many sub-menus.

Technical SEO

  • Describe your product pages with structured data to increase the chance of getting rich results.
    Keep your site fast by using a lightweight theme, optimising your images and avoiding using sliders.
  • Use 301 redirects when you are deleting a page to avoid 404 errors.
  • Use the robots.txt file to prevent search engines from crawling less critical pages or sections of your site that you don’t want to be indexed.
  • Add your online store to Google Search Console to keep track of how your store performs in the search results.
  • Make products findable with an XML sitemap and add it to Google Search Console.
  • Organise your collections and add internal links pointing to your product pages.
  • Use a filter function for your products to let customers quickly find what they need.


  • Use product images that are true and clear representations of the product you are selling.
  • Optimise the size of the images on your product pages so they do not slow downloading times.
  • Minify CSS and use ‘lazy loading’ for a faster user experience.
  • Use unique alt-tags to describe your images to improve accessibility. Add your keywords.


  • Use paid ads to quickly gain visibility (but use SEO to get long-term sustainable growth).
  • Find out what social media platforms your customers use and create profiles on them.
  • Use videos in your content strategy and use Video Schema.
  • Use newsletters to keep customers connected to your store.
  • Find influencers who’d like to promote your product.
  • Be a guest blogger for related blogs in return for a link to your website.
  • If you have a local store: advertise in the local paper, print some flyers, or do a sticker campaign.

Spotify SEO Specialists

We hope you found this Shopify SEO Checklist helpful. If you’d like to hire Spotify SEO Specialists to do any of this for you, CLICK HERE to get a FREE QUOTE. We guarantee to get your website on page 1 of Google or our services are free until we do 🙂

If you enjoyed this Blog post: Shopify SEO Checklist, you can also find more SEO Tips like this by checking out our last Blog post: Best SEO For Ecommerce Websites.


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Peter Skuse Plymouth SEO Services

Pete Skuse (The SEO Guy)
Plymouth SEO Services – We’ll get your website on page 1 of Google or our services are free until we do!