7 Simple Content Writing SEO Tips To Rank Higher In Google

7 Simple Content Writing SEO Tips To Rank Higher In Google

Welcome to 7 Simple Content Writing SEO Tips To Rank Higher In Google by Pete ‘The SEO Guy’ from Plymouth SEO Services.

Do you want to learn some SEO content writing tips that will show you how to write content that ranks well in Google, even after Google’s next algorithm update?

In this post, I’m going to break down how to write content that gets ranked high in Google.

When writing content that you want to rank high in Google, just follow these 7 simple content writing SEO tips:

#1 – Focus on helping your readers overcome a specific problem. When people write content, they normally just rely on keyword research, but it’s not just about writing content that only gets traffic. It’s also about helping people solve their problems.

For example, if I have a site that sells plumbing supplies and I have an article that teaches you how to install a sink, the article would be short and to the point.

You’d include images, videos etc. because you want to really help solve their problem as quickly as possible.

And that’s what’s going to help you rank better for future Google algorithm updates.

It’s not just about writing content that people are searching for, it’s also about solving their problems which will help your rankings in the long run.

#2 – Spend a lot of your time on your headline. 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 will click through and read the rest of the article.

That’s the power of writing amazing headlines.

You’ll get more than 2 out of 10 people to actually click through and read the rest of your article, so really focus on writing attractive headlines that get people’s attention.

But this doesn’t mean writing click-bait headlines. It just means evoking curiosity.

For example, “The Ten Health Benefits of Acai Berries – Number 4 Will Astound You!”  That’s what I mean by evoking curiosity.

It’s not all about just popping in keywords and it’s not being about using click-bait headlines.

It’s all about providing value. Number 4 shouldn’t astound people if it’s not astounding, and you shouldn’t use that headline if you’re writing something on acai berries and your point 4 isn’t actually that useful.

But if it is, then you’re good to go.

#3 – Anchor your main topic to the keywords that have the highest significant search volume.

In other words, your keywords should be related to that main topic that you’re writing about.

So for example, if I’m writing an article on SEO, I may have other keywords that are anchoring with it such as on-page SEO, off-page SEO, backlinking, optimising page load speed for SEO, blog content writing for SEO etc. as all these keywords can get lots of traffic.

And you want to build one more thorough piece of content versus having lots of little ones, and that’s why I’m saying look at your main keyword and make sure your other keywords compliment it and are anchoring with it.

#4 – The next one of my content writing SEO tips is to build your content outline based on what’s working for competitors and the most relevant keywords that you can find. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here.

Whatever you’re writing content on, do a search on Google first and check out all the results on page 1 to see what they’re doing.

You can also go to pages 3 and 4 to look at the pages that are ranking there to see what they’re not doing compared to the people that are ranking at the top.

It’ll give you an idea of what the top ten sites are doing and what you should be doing as well.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should just copy them but just make yours better.

They’ll probably be missing some points. They may not be up-to-date. They may not be talking about the latest and greatest, and you want to be doing that so you can rank better and use it to your advantage.

#5 – Offer practical, useful and genuine advice is one of my favourite content writing SEO tips as no one wants to read something and think: “That was a complete waste of my time.”

They want to read your article and think: “Wow, that was really helpful. These guys really know what they’re talking about. I’m going to take action now!”

That’s the kind of enthusiasm you want when you’re writing articles.

#6 – Make sure to do internal linking to other relevant content pages/posts on your website.

Don’t go crazy with anchor texts when you’re doing internal linking, and only add ones that make sense and are natural.

If it makes sense to link out two, three or ten times, that’s fine. Do whatever makes sense.

And make sure to do this with your older articles as well as your newer ones.

#7 – You must nail down your basic on-page SEO. This is one of the most important content writing SEO tips of all because if Google doesn’t know what you’re page is by adding all the signals Google are looking for, then it’s all been a waste of time.

From title tags to metadata, to image ALT text, optimising the first few paragraphs, H1, H2 etc. tags, URL structure etc.

And if you’re not sure on how to nail down your on-page SEO so it’s sending all the right signals to Google, then get in contact with us as we can do it for you.

I hope you found these 7 Simple Content Writing SEO Tips To Rank Higher In Google helpful.

If you liked this free SEO tutorial, you should also check out our next post How to rank your website higher in Google  and our last post: 6 Easy Link Building Strategies for Local SEO

Don’t forget to also get a free SEO audit of your website to check it’s sending all the right signals to Google.

Content Writing SEO Tips

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Peter Skuse Plymouth SEO Services

Pete Skuse (The SEO Guy)
Plymouth SEO Services – Let’s put your website to work for your business