5 Tips On How To Write Blog Posts That Get 1000+ Visitors

5 Tips On How To Write Blog Posts That Get 1000+ Visitors

In today’s post, we reveal 5 Tips On How To Write Blog Posts That Get 1000+ Visitors.

Welcome to another one of our SEO Tips by Plymouth SEO Services.

Let’s be honest, everyone hates writing Blog posts, right?

The problem is it’s essential for SEO as both visitors and Google love them, but if you’re spending all your time writing all this content, you want to make sure it at least gets seen by enough people to make it worth your while.

So here’s a few Do’s & Don’ts on how to write blog posts that send the right signals to Google and gets a ton of visibility, visitors, shares and likes.

[1] Popular post tends to rank for at least 38 keywords (76 keywords for the hugely popular ones!), so make sure you naturally include as many keywords related to your topic as possible in your Blog posts.

[2] NEVER stuff keywords in a blog post for the sake of getting SEO traffic. Your post should flow and adding the keywords should feel natural.

[3] NEVER write blog posts just for Google. If the content doesn’t provide value to the reader, it is going to hurt your website rankings in the long run if the Google algorithm your site to have low-quality content.

[4] The average most popular blog posts contain just under 2000 words, but Google doesn’t really care about word count these days as much as they do for user experience.

The reader just wants a great experience and to be satisfied with the blog post content. The main difference with posts getting 5000+ visitors was the number of keywords they contain (Back to Point 1 again!).

[5] Blog posts that are the most popular tend to be newer. Our stats show that posts that get 1,000+ visitors per month on average tends to be about a year old, and posts that get less than 1,000 visitors are almost 2 years old.

Now, this doesn’t mean Google doesn’t like new content, as it does, but the highest-ranking posts were aged, but not ancient.

So it suggests that Google prefers newish content over outdated content (which is easy to fix by updating outdated content. Duh!)

So the key to getting 1000+ visitors to read your Blog posts is to do your keyword research first and start adding more keywords to your posts in a natural way that both Google and your reader loves.

Picking the right keywords over the wrong ones can make the difference between getting little or no traffic to getting thousands of visitors every month.

There are of course other elements that affect visitor numbers and Google rank like backlinking and on-page SEO, but as you can see, your content is also a crucial factor when you’re thinking about how to write Blog posts.

Don’t miss our next post 7 Free Backlinking Tips if you want to build trust with Google and get your site on page 1.

You can also find more SEO Tips like this by checking out our last Blog post 10 SEO Tips To Increase Click-Through Rate

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Peter Skuse Plymouth SEO Services

Pete Skuse (The SEO Guy)
Plymouth SEO Services – Let’s put your website to work for your business