Why Do I Need A Website?

Why Do I Need A Website?

In this post by the design team at Plymouth Web Design, we’ll look at Why Do I Need A Website?

As small business owners and entrepreneurs, we’re living in a pretty amazing time right now.

Never before has there been so many free social tools at our disposal to get the word out about our business, building connections and relationships and turning random internet strangers into our clients and customers who actually pay us for what we do.

But with all these social media sites and gurus talking about all the possibilities that come with them, the lines are getting blurrier and blurrier every day.

I’ve had business owners ask me: ‘If I have social media and do a really good job with it, why do I need a website’?

And the only way to answer that is with a definitive ‘Yes, you do need a website, because social media and websites have two very different and essential functions.’

One could never replace the other, so in this blog post Why Do I Need A Website? we will explain these roles so that you know what you need in a website and what you should be doing on social media to create that ultimate online experience and presence that actually attracts and converts those internet strangers into our paying customers and a healthy thriving business.

So here’s why social media isn’t something you want to build your business on entirely on its own: So you create amazing content and as a result, you build up a following, but the problem is you don’t ever have full and total access to those people.

For example, if you had a thousand followers on Instagram and you were to post something, guess how many of those people would ever see your post in the feed? It’s about a hundred, and that’s about double what you can expect to get on Facebook.

So you can see the problem here. You’re doing a lot of work to gain very limited access to those audiences that you work so hard to build.

So are we saying that you shouldn’t be focusing at all on social media? Well, that really depends on the nature of your business and your ideal clients to be honest.

If your business lends itself to giving out advice, tips or even inspiration in the form of ideas or visual inspiration then we do think a good social strategy is worth your time, because the best part of social media is the opportunity to be found.

So if you post the kinds of things that your future clients would be interested in and then you use the right hashtags and the right keywords to help them find your stuff, it’s a great first step in the process.

So what’s the next step? It’s the answer to your question Why Do I Need A Website? Because you need to get them to your website, where you can much more closely control the messaging and that flow of information that really starts to build more of a case for why they’d want to work with you or buy from you, because here’s the thing when it comes to social posts: They’re all kind of scattered, they’re kind of stand-alone. They don’t necessarily build on one another.

And they can’t because you can’t count on anyone seeing all your posts, let alone seeing them in the right order, but what you can do here is put out your great content and use clear ‘calls to action’ to get them to your website to read your latest blog post, download your lead magnet to get their email, schedule an appointment or just buy what you’re selling.

You’ll want to do that in about one-third of your social media posts, so it’s important to still play by the rules of whatever platform you’re using.

If you want them to actually promote your posts and show your posts to as many eyeballs as possible and the rules include that they want you to keep people on the platform for as long as possible, so that’s why you don’t want to entice clicks off of the social media site on every single post.

But when you do, we highly recommend using it to entice people to opt-in for your lead magnet so that you can start building your email list.

Why Do I Need A Website?

So here’s the thing, even with all the social media options we have today, nothing still beats having a strong persuasive website and a healthy growing email list when it comes to building your business.

Remember you can only ever hope for a reach of about 10 on any given post, even less on some platforms and even then social media is a very distracting place.

Remember that their goal is to keep people scrolling and consuming other content, not to spend any time at all on your post and we don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to what’s going on right now with privacy updates but between Facebook and Google, but your ability to retarget people based on their online behaviours is being taken away.

So now more than ever might be the biggest reason why you need to start focusing on getting prospects to your website as quickly as possible and converting them to customers and clients by building up that email list.

It’s going to ensure you always have a direct line of communication with the people who’ve actually given you permission to reach out to them.

And once you get someone on your email list you can send them weekly helpful actionable content that’s much more likely to ever be seen and acted on than if you just were to share it on your social media site.

So hopefully that has all helped answer your question Why Do I Need A Website? but let’s talk about lead magnets for a second. So what you don’t want to do,  what doesn’t work is trying to get people on your email list by joining your newsletter, because that’s really just not going to be interesting to anyone.

People don’t want to be updated about the news of your business or even of your industry, but they do want a benefit or result of some kind for themselves.

So if you can create a lead magnet, either a checklist of actionable steps or a five-part video series, anything that promises to help them go from the problem they have today to fixing that problem in a really short period of time, that’s something they’re going to give their email address over for.

And when people talk about websites being dead or the old way of doing business, they’re only part right. 

The old style of websites is pretty much dead. Those old brochure type websites that just talk about the business, that have no strategy to convert visitors to clients are dead and for very good reason.

They don’t really work anymore, but a website that has all the right content and uses the right process to take someone from knowing nothing about your business to being fully convinced that you’re the only choice for them, that’s never to go out of style.

And that’s exactly what we do at Plymouth Web Design. We turn your website from a dull brochure site that’s dead in the water getting no visitors into your #1 salesperson driving leads, enquiries and customers to your business 24/7.

We’ve helped hundreds of business owners double their business within 12 months. Contact us today if you want us to do the same for you.

Just to warn you though, we are very busy and normally have a waiting list, so get in touch asap if you’re keen to get started.

We hoped you found this post Why Do I Need A Website? helpful. You can also find lots more SEO Tips, help and advice just like this on our blog page.

Check out our last post Beginners Guide To Building Links 2021 and also keep an eye open for our next post, which is coming soon.

Do you want more website traffic, enquiries, leads and customers for your business, but just want someone to do it all for you?

No problem. Just contact me and I’ll show you how we can help, leaving you to focus on growing your business.

We guarantee to get you on page 1 of Google and offer a great ROI. We’re SEO professionals with over 20 years of experience and offer a money-back guarantee and no contracts. We also provide a free SEO audit of your website so you can try us out first at no risk to yourself.

Our only goal is your success, so get in touch with me if you want us on your team.

Peter Skuse Plymouth SEO Services

Pete Skuse (The SEO Guy)
Plymouth SEO Services – Let’s put your website to work for your business