How To Rank In Google In 7 Days

How To Rank In Google In 7 Days

In today’s post, I’ll show you how to rank in Google in 7 days using the exact same process that I use to get all of my websites and my client’s website to page 1 of Google in record fast time.

Hi, Pete here, ‘The SEO Guy’ from Plymouth SEO Services, and I’m going to talk about launching an SEO campaign in just 7 days and start seeing results.

SEO is a long game and anyone that tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something or is just clueless.

Having said that, you can get a LOT done in 7 days and be off to the races with your SEO campaign and start to see some results.

I personally like to front-load the work of an SEO campaign like this and get consistently good results

In this post, I am going to give you my exact 7 day SEO action plan.

I’ll show you exactly what I do when I take on a new campaign:

• How I go about getting it started and the exact Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 etc…

• Breakdown to show you a systematized way to making massive progress in your first week.

• Recommend someone that can help you get it all done for you BIG HINT: It’s me 🙂

But first, let’s answer the question: Should you even try to do an SEO campaign in seven days and if so why? The answer is yes and no.

Ultimately we know a campaign is going to take way longer than that. it’s going to take months or even years some if at the enterprise level things like that but what we’re talking about today is stuff you can get done in the first week that will build a solid foundation and get you some quick results.

it’s going to give you something to show yourself right away to make you happy and show SEO works. if you built your trust the right way that won’t be too much of an issue, but everyone likes to see something happening from the beginning, even though SEO doesn’t really work like that.

In the long run, it’ll increase profitability because you’ll get a lot of major tasks out of the way and you’ll be able to run on semi-auto pilot.

Just to clarify, you don’t want to do a whole SEO campaign in seven days. You don’t want to do all the backlinks and everything in seven days. The idea here is how to get you some results as quickly as possible to show yourself some results quickly and to cut down the amount of work you have to do over the long term.

Now what we’re going to be talking about today assumes that there’s a website that already exists, even though you could throw up a quick website in a day, a real website is going to take longer than a week to build, so this is assuming that we already have a website.

There is something to be said about a slower and more cautious approach, but this is what I do and what I think works well and what has pleased the clients I work with.

It’s not going to be a fully in-depth dive into every part of what we’re talking about. We’re going to talk more about steps you should take and can take and will take as opposed to how to do each one of those steps.

if you want to learn more about the individual steps, check out my other blog posts where you will find everything you need.

One thing to mention here as well is that every case is different. You’re going to have clients that won’t give you full access to their site, you’re going to run into hosting issues, every situation is going to be different, so one size never fits all.

So let’s get down to it.

DAY 1: On day one you’re gonna find that is where a lot of the work is going to be done. it may seem a little intimidating but most of these actions only take a few minutes. So you first have to get website access. I assume that it’s WordPress, but it could be Wix or Weebly or whatever. You want to get Google search console analytics and all that stuff set up first.

You need that to make make sure you’re going to be able to do the things that you need to do set up a rank tracker tool and another assumption I’m making here is that you’ve already decided what keywords to go with. if not, you would add keyword research to this day.

Next, install the essential plugins if using WordPress. You need an SEO plugin like Yoast, Rank Math (My favourite) and SEOpress.

Then you want to run an on-page audit checking the main on-page SEO factors including Title Tag, Description Tag, H1 header, Alt Text, Content length, keyword density etc., making sure they are all fully optimised. A good free tool to help identify these factors is the SEOQuake Analytics Chrome extension.

This is important, as a lot of what we’re going to be doing in the first week revolves around optimising the on-page SEO of the site.

I’ve worked with hundreds of local businesses and a lot of times their pages don’t have enough content, especially if they work in a visual medium like photographers or something like that. They tend to not have enough content, so you want to get that sorted right away.

You also want to create any of the missing major social profiles and create the ones that are missing. So for example, if they don’t have a Facebook page, you want to create that. if they don’t have a Twitter account, you want to create that and so on.

You want to do a citation audit to check which citations they have. I like to use Whitespark or bright local, but you can use whatever tool that you’re used to. in reality, they take longer than seven days and that doesn’t really fit the theme of today’s post, so you can do it yourself or you can order it.

if the customer or the business does not have a Google My Business (GMB) account, you need to go ahead and create it and do everything you can do to optimise it before verification. There are some things you can’t do until it’s verified, but get it at least get it verified and then do everything in there that you can.

Next, you want branded foundation links, Web 2.0’s (These are any sites built on another domain so and social signals.

How to rank in Google in 7 days

DAY 2: Citations. You want to build the major ones like Yelp, Yell etc. and any niche and geo-specific ones if you can find some.
Run a Screaming Frog audit to find things like broken links etc. Then go to Google Search Console and remove any broken URLs on your site e.g if they link out to things that don’t exist, or internal links that point to pages that don’t exist anymore, you want to remove all the stuff like that. That’s really going to help Google understand your site better and our job is to help them understand it.

If you didn’t get everything done on day one, you want to revisit that and go back and do anything that you missed there.

DAY 3: Plan site structure changes as needed. So when I take over a new site I almost always find that they have done a poor job of the way the site is structured. For example, they’ll have orphan pages for services or they’ll have no index page for services and then they won’t link to each other properly.

The URL structure won’t be right, so you want to do that as that’s really really important to help Google understand the site, so you want to plan that as much as you can and you want to have a plan for that because it’s easy to get lost.

If you don’t take some time and plan out how you’re going to do that and then begin doing it, so build out the pages that need to be built, link to them in the way they need to be linked to and start doing that.

Then you want to use that above info as well, as you’re doing that to come up with an interlinking strategy, so different places that are going to make it easy to link to other places on the site, so you want to start having a plan for that too. You don’t just want to do that at all willy-nilly, you want to have a plan and implement it.

Any other pages that are missing, you need to create those. Not just customer-facing pages like services or locations or anything like that, but you want an HTML site map, privacy policy, terms of service etc.

A lot of businesses tend to overlook those steps a lot and it really does make a difference, so plan site structure change and begin to implement it. Use that info to plan your interlinking strategy and create any pages that need to be created.

DAY 4: If the content you ordered on day one is ready, then you can put it on the site and optimise it. If not, then obviously you can’t, but for most local business type sites, content shouldn’t take more than three or four days unless the writers are just backed up or something like that.

Make any additional site structure changes. If you remember on day three, we started making site structure changes. Finish it up on day four, because it can be, along with interlinking, it can be very time consuming, so those are the main things you want to do.

Just wrap up day three and implement any new content and then go back through the first three days and make sure you did everything properly because this is really the most important stuff. Make sure you’ve got all of that done and then you can kind of go on to day five.

A question I get asked a lot is can you get the foundation links and branded links web all together or should you space that out? I get them all in the first month and there’s no reason not to order them the first week because it’s not that many more, so I would go ahead and get them at the same time.

DAY 5: If the content from day one is not ready, go ahead and put it on the site and optimise it at this point. You’ve done most of the on-site stuff, so what we want to do now is go over our page load speed. You want to do a GT Matrix scan for your web page speed score and work on speeding up your web page load speed if needed.

If the links you ordered on day one are ready, you can add some content to the major ones. What I mean by that is if you have a Facebook page that you created, you want at least to get a few posts on it. Same with your Twitter and the major ones. You don’t have to do it on like the more obscure ones, but you want to do that just to help keep them alive.

Same with the web 2.0’s and the other things. You don’t have to go crazy. I like to add some content at the beginning and then occasionally from time to time, but you want to at least do that, because if you don’t add some content to them, the sites may just shut them down.

It doesn’t have to be Pulitzer prize writing, as most social media sites don’t really offer offers hugely valuable content to their community, so no need to go mad.

Next, we want to increase the Google crawl rate. I think that the trick is to only ask it to crawl x amount every so often, so don’t build a ton of pages at once because then it’s going to exhaust the budget and not get a lot of your pages crawled.

So instead, go slowly. If you have a local business site, there’s no need to worry about that because you’re never going to have more than a couple of dozen pages at most

DAY 6: Recheck everything from the first five days, because we’ve done a lot and it’s easy to miss things or forget things or not have time for things, so let’s verify everything and do anything that we’ve missed and then go back and adjust the content optimisation because I find that once you’ve added more pages, things just get messed up.

Make sure the site structure is in place and no pages are missing, because in the next step we’re gonna be asking Google to come look at our site, so we want it to get it right the first time. So make sure everything is interlinked properly, make sure you have all the pages you need, make sure all the pages are connected to the right pages and so on.

Build any missing social sites, citations, social profiles web 2.0’s and so on and optimise those for your brand name and/or your keyword, depending on what kind of page we’re doing. You want to up make sure those are optimised too. Make sure that all of that is done right before we move on to day seven.

DAY 7: If the Google My Business (GMB) verification has arrived, you can verify it, although in my experience it normally takes longer than a week these days. If you have any more content you need to add, then add that and optimise it. Then go back and review days one through six and you’re done. It’s a lot of work for sure, but it’s what you need to do is you want a top spot ranking in both the Google local map results and the organic search results.

I would recommend taking the opportunity to now go back and make sure you did everything right. Make sure you’ve got as much in place as you possibly can, make sure that the interlinking and the site structure is in place the way it should be and then we can go ahead and submit our sitemap to Google search console.

That should be generated by one of your SEO plugins, so go ahead and submit that to make sure it gets crawled. Then you want to start making some posts to your GMB. I like to do them Monday Wednesday and Friday. So if it’s verified now, you can start making some posts.

So now you should have a site full of properly structured interlinked optimised content. That’s the big part of the battle. That’s the most cost-efficient part of SEO, it’s the way you can rank high. The fact is, all the other efforts that you’re going to do are not going to work as well, if at all unless you get that right.

So make sure you get that right and you’re going to have an optimised GMB. That’s assuming that the card came. If not, then you’re going to be as close as you can, as there are some things it won’t let you do until it’s verified.

You should have citations, at least a few citations built. Maybe the order is not done yet. You should have the major profiles, maybe some web 2.0’s and foundation links in place, but you should at the very minimum have them ordered.

What you should also do here is be proud of yourself for getting so much done that will benefit you so much in the long run. So get all of that done within the first week and you’ll be stunned at the progress you’ve made. It’ll suck for the few days you’re doing it, but the work will be worth it, as when it gets crawled you should see some major boost in your rankings right away, which obviously is great.

It will probably get it up to the first page and if you’re already on the first page, it depends a lot on what’s above you, but it should at least move it up a spot or two and it puts you in a position to win the top spot.

So I hope you found this How To Rank In Google In 7 Days post helpful. Check out our next one which will be out soon.

You can also find more SEO Tips like this by checking out our last post: Google My Business Benefits 2021.

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Peter Skuse Plymouth SEO Services

Pete Skuse (The SEO Guy)
Plymouth SEO Services – Let’s put your website to work for your business